Who I’m Meant to Be—Right Now

Who are you meant to be right now? Those words leaped off the page of a magazine I was recently flipping through. It was the last two words that struck a chord. Right. Now. Those two words freed up so much for me. They reminded me that life is a series of moments and experiences, each calling for a different depth and extension of the full person I am. So the me I show up as (now) needs to be the me my life’s circumstances are calling for.

Right now, I’m smack dab in the middle of recovery. I’m recovering from my life’s greatest heartbreak (more on that soon) and a series of other blows that came so close together I had no time to come up for air. In fact, it felt like there was no air. Life was suffocating…but I’m on the other side now. Not enough to have figured out the what’s and whys of each intense moment, but just enough to have gained a sense of calm. Peace. And even joy.

And so, as I contemplated the question: Who are you meant to be right now? I was forced to think about every area of my life. What I’m going after (now), what I’m committed to (now), who I’m committed to (now) and everything in between. Because many of my life’s most recent experiences have forever changed me. The woman I was before them isn’t the one I am today. And in this moment (now) I am meant to be connected, reflective and curious—to my dreams, to my future to my loved ones. I’m meant to revive parts of myself I let go along the way. And I’m meant to explore new avenues of love and expression so that I can tap into the rhythm of my life as it is (now).


While Grieving


God as my Pilot