© Space Magazine


On Rejection

I’ve faced a lot of rejection in my life. Growing up, I tried out for this or that team—and I didn’t make it. I’ve interviewed at several companies—and didn’t get the job. I really wanted this to happen with that relationship and that to happen with this one—it didn’t. I’m sure you see where I’m going with this; throughout my life, every single step of the way, I’ve faced rejection.⁣⁣
Truth is, we all face rejection. But just as sure as rejection will come, so will what is really meant for you. ⁣⁣
Looking back, I completely understand why I didn’t make the team (honest moment: I’m only half coordinated, I would’ve stood out like a sore thumb at every game), I know why I didn’t get the job (the office was eerily quiet, I would’ve driven everyone, including myself, crazy) and I know why things didn’t work out with those other guys (what up, J?). ⁣⁣
All in all, what we perceive as rejection is just life (and God) letting us know that there is something much, much better out there for us. Our life’s journey is guided by an uncertain, yet reliable cadence of rejection and reception. The old phrase, “Ya win some, ya lose some” comes to mind here. That’s truth.⁣⁣
If we begin to shift our thinking and understand that rejection doesn’t come to hurt or harm us, but that it’s, instead, God’s way of telling us that what he has planned for us is much more fitting, appropriate and complementary to our lives we’d save ourselves a lot of stress, and perhaps a few tears. Sure, it hurts, it might even be devastating, but keep the faith and know that whatever is meant for you is for you and there’s nothing that will stop it from coming into your life!


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